Tuesday, December 11, 2018

E-books vs audiobooks, which do you love more?

E-books and audiobooks all have many advantages.
eBooks are easy to travel, no weight, lower cost or may be free of cost, available all time, easy to get and have a huge number in single device.
1.       eBooks are portable. Your entire personal library can follow you anywhere, not the other way around.
2.      Note taking is easy. Yes, you can highlight, bookmark and write notes on eBooks too.
3.      Search is easy. You don’t even have to remember which book/eBook had something you wanted to reference again. Just search, find, read.
4.      You can have the eBook read to you with text to speech option turned on.
Audiobooks are also good. Audiobooks are immersive, educational, instructional, entertaining and they’re perfect for the time rich and the time poor. Audiobooks can also change the way we listen, read and learn, improving the literacy of young readers and those for whom English is a second language. 

1.       Save Time. As much as we discourage multitasking, sometimes it can be useful and effective. Audiobooks are great for that. You can listen while you’re cleaning the house, folding clothes, shaving or anything else that doesn’t require much focus.
2.      Effective. Some books are better to consume over audio than over text. I find that conceptual books and biographies are better off consumed over audio than text.
3.      Convenient. Audiobooks are really convenient. You can have them on your phone, iPod, computer and in the car. This makes the content accessible and you can easily continue where you left off from last time.
4.      Faster Learning. One of the main advantages of audiobooks is that you can pace the information you consume. I like to play my audiobooks at 1.5x or 2x speed and it doesn’t affect my comprehension.
Personally, I like both ebooks and audiobooks. They are good for me to enrich my knowledge and know the world better. And I also want to introduce you the best of the best eBook DRM Removal and Audiobook Converter tool. If you also interested in liberating your books like I do, you can go to Epubor website to check it out.