Monday, January 14, 2019

Ultimate Way to Remove NOOK DRM with 100% Success

Barnes & Noble, Inc., a Fortune 1000 company, is the bookseller with the largest number of retail outlets in the United States and a retailer of content, digital media, and educational products. Unfortunately, Barnes & Noble no longer support updates to NOOK for PC or NOOK for Mac, which makes it even hard for users to back up their purchased NOOK books. Since many of you complain that you fail to get rid of NOOK DRM, so here we are going to show you how to remove NOOK DRM with 100% success.

Before getting ready to decrypt NOOK books, you should be aware of the fact that NOOK for PC is no longer available on both Win and Mac computers.
So as far as I’m concerned, now you can only get rid of NOOK DRM on Windows computers with the help of downloading NOOK books via NOOK Study.
How to Remove NOOK DRM with 100% Success
Step 1, install NOOK Study to your Win OS computer.
Step 2, download Nook books via NOOK Study.
VIP Tips: There is a trick to logging in to NOOK Study -- put in your NOOK account info, but close it before the login times out. Then reopen NOOK Study and you should be logged in successfully.
Here’s the detailed steps to help you successfully log in NOOK Study. If you failed, please try this process one more time.
First, launch NOOK Study and put in NOOK account info to sign in. Then close it before the login times out. And click Yes in the pop-up reminding window.
Next reopen NOOK Study, wait a few sec, then you will be signed in.
Last, double click the book cover to start downloading NOOK books.
Step 3, install NOOK DRM Removal -- Epubor Ultimate to your computer.
Install Epubor Ultimate and run it, click Nook tab in the left side-bar to load all downloaded NOOK books to the software, next add the books to the right main window to remove DRM.
Tips: Epubor Ultimate can automatically calculate the decryption key if the NOOK books are downloaded via NOOK Study.

As long as you follow the above decrypt NOOK books’ guide step by step, you will definitely remove NOOK DRM smoothly. If you have encountered any problem while decrypting NOOK DRM, you are welcomed to contact to get professional help or start a chat session on Skype:

Download Epubor Ultimate for Free