Sunday, April 21, 2013

2 ways to convert a blog to EPUB and MOBI books

When we find a blog filled with excellent posts, we will hope to finish them at one go or simply read like an eBook, rather than stay online all the time. There have been sites that can convert blog posts to an eBook, but the output format is mostly PDF, which is not that readable when reading on an eReader or other mobile device. Here I will introduce two sites to convert blog posts to EPUB and MOBI books.

1. Ebook Glue

Ebook Glue is a rarely free site that converts blog posts to EPUB and MOBI books without extra steps such as registration, easy and swift.

Simply input the URL of a blog and click "Share Blog as an Ebook" button, the EPUB and MOBI version will be generated at once.

Select either format to download.

However, only recent blog posts will be contained and the book does not have any images.

2. Zinepal

Zinepal is a very professional site to generate EPUB / MOBI / PDF eBooks based on blog posts. Due to its rich functions, it's not a 1-click-like site, but you can still get started with ease.

#1 Input the URL of a blog and click "Select Stories". All recent posts will be listed at once.

#2 Check "Select All Stories" or uncheck certain posts as you like.

#3 Click "Preview Your eBook" and wait for the generation of preview.

That might take quite a while. When you get the results, you will find how the output is awesome.

To get the eBook, you will have to register and pay $5.