Thursday, April 1, 2021

Should I jailbreak my Kindle or not?

Kindle is the world’s most popular e-reader. Many people read their Kindle books through Kindle e-reader for a better reading experience and eye-sight protection. Within Amazon's closed ecosystem, you can only read Kindle books via Kindle devices. Therefore, there are a minority of users who jailbreak their Kindle to get the most out of it. And there’s some good news for those that like to jailbreak their Kindles to add more features and functionality. A new jailbreaking method called KindleBreak was released on MobileRead last week. 

What is jailbreaking?

Jailbreaking refers to the process of removing all restrictions imposed by the software providers. The jailbreak is a hack that allows you to add software to devices without relying on device approval. So, you will gain the ability to customize your device after jailbreaking it. 

What are the pros and cons of jailbreaking Kindle?

Although jailbreaking makes your device more open and customizable, adds more personality, and gives you greater control and compatibility, it increases vulnerability to malicious apps and introduces potential stability problems. Here are some main pros and cons of jailbreaking Kindle. 

Pros of jailbreaking Kindle

Jailbreaking your Kindle will grant you the following benefits. 

1. Customize Kindle the way you want it

2. Increase functionality & productivity

After jailbreaking your Kindle, you are able to install custom screensavers and fonts. And your Kindle will be more compatible. You can not only open many other formats, like epub, CBR/CBZ books, etc, you can also install third-party apps and other external eBook stores. As a result, you will have a much better user experience and get the most out of your Kindle. 

Cons of jailbreaking Kindle

Jailbreaking your Kindle poses many security threats to the device, which will cause your device to easily be affected by malware. That explains why you might brick your Kindle after jailbreaking. Of course, the direct outcome is that you will lose all device warranty and support provided by Amazon.

1. No more automatic updates

2. Void your warranty

3. Instability & security issues

4. Shortened battery life

Should I jailbreak my Kindle?

Although legal, it’s not necessarily a good idea to jailbreak your Kindle.

If you are tech-savvy, jailbreaking your Kindle is a good option to unlock all useful features without costing a penny. 

If you want more features than a Kindle provides, jailbreaking your Kindle is totally pointless, simple buy a Kobo or a tablet reader instead. 

An alternative solution to get the most out of your Kindle without jailbreaking!

Kindle is mainly used for reading. So, the best solution to get the most out of your Kindle is to get rid of DRM protection from your purchased contents using the DRM removal tool. Then you are able to read ebooks, like Kobo/Google Play/Nook books, on your Kindle