Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Internal conflict in Android camp? Google kills Kindle Fire via Nexus 7

Google has released his own tablet, Nexus 7, in the I/O 2012. When we mention an Android tablet, most of us will have Kindle Fire in our minds. So, let's make a comparison between these 2 Android tablets.

I think this comparison is gravely outnumbered, all the data is not on the same stage, but with the same price. I can not figure out who will go to purchasing a Kindle Fire from now on.

However, the release of Nexus 7 is good to us, we can have more choice when we want to have a tablet. 

The iPad Killer? No, it kills Kindle Fire

Before the I/O 2012, all the world are agitating Google Tablet vs. iPad, but the truth is, Google doesn't kill iPad, but his "brother", Kindle Fire.

Besides the effect on Kindle Fire, the Nexus also will effect on Kindle Fire 2. There is no doubt that the Nexus 7 is the standard for Android $200 tablet.

The future seems bright

Refer to the date collected by IDC, in 2012 Q1, iPad's share rose to 68% from 57% in 2011 Q4, which means the other tablets are undesirable. At the same time, Gartner said the iPad's share will fall to 46% in 2016, MicroSoft's Surface will take 12%.

Have you noticed that? The iPad and Surface are 10 inch tablet, so who will lead the 7 inch tablet market?  All of you must have had the answer.